Entrantes / Starters
1: Gai Satay €5,50 🌶
Pinchitos de pollo marinados en curry y leche de coco servidos con salsa de cacahuetes triturados y tostados.
Grilled chicken brochettes marinated in coconut milk and curry served with toasted crushed peanut sauce.
2: Poh Pia CHICKEN
Rollitos de primavera de pollo frito servidos con salsa chili dulce.
Fried spring rolls served with sweet chilli sauce.
3: Poh Pia verduras €5.50
Rollitos de primavera verduras fritas servidos con salsa de chili dulce.
Fried chicken and vegetable spring rolls served with sweet chilli sauce
Poh Pia Mix €9.50
Rollitos de primavera de pollo y verduras fritas servidos con salsa de chili dulce.
Fried chicken and vegetable spring rolls served with sweet chilli sauce
5: Tom Kha
Pollo/Chicken €6,50. Tofu €5,50. Langostinos/Prawns €7,50. Verduras/Vegetables €6,50
Sopa de leche de coco con verduras, sofrito, zumo de lima y cilantro.
Coconut milk soup with vegetables, spring onions, coriander and lime juice.
6: Tom Yam 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €6,50, Langostinos/Prawns €7,50, Tofu €6,50
Sopa picante con champiñones, tomates, cebolla, chili, cilantro y zumo de lima.
Spicy soup with mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, chili, coriander and lime juice.
Ensaladas / Salads
7: Yuma Nue Yang €16,00 🌶🌶
Ternera a la parrilla con cebolla, zanahorias, apio, verduras de temporada, cilantro y salsa de limón con chili.
Grilled beef with onions, carrots, celery, season vegetables, coriander in lemon chilli sauce.
8: Yum Nue Namtok €16,00 🌶🌶🌶
Ternera a la parrilla con cebolla roja, sofrito, cebolla, cilantro, chili, albahaca y hojas de lima en salsa ”Waterfall Salas"
Grilled beef with red onions, spring onions, onions, coriander, chili, basil and lime leaves in ” Waterfall Salas" sauce.
9: Yam Seafood €16,00 🌶🌶🌶
Calamar, langostinos y mejillones con zanahorias, sofrito, verduras de temporada, cebolla, apio, cilantro y chili en salsa de limón.
With carrots, spring onions, season vegetables, onion, celery, coriander and chilli in lemon sauce.
10: Lab 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €12,50. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Con cebolla roja, sofrito, chili finamente picado con cilantro, menta, hojas de lima y arroztostado en salsa de lima.
With red onions, spring onions, chilli finely chopped with coriander, mint, lime leaves and toasted rice in lime juice sauce.
11: Yam Wun Sen 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €14,50. Cerdo/Pork €13,50. Langostinos/Prawns €15,50. Tofu €12,50
Fideos transparentes con transparentes con zanahorias, sofrito, cebolla, chili, apio y limón.
Vermicelli noodles with carrots, spring onions, onion, chilli, celery and lemon.
12: Som Tam Thai €16,50 🌶🌶
Ensalada de papaya verde con judías verdes, zanahorias, tomates, chili, zumo de limon y cacahuetes tostados y triturados.
Green papaya salad with green beans, carrots, tomatoes, chilli, lemon juice and toasted crushed peanuts.
13: Som Tam Issan €17,50 🌶🌶
Papaya verde con judias verdes, zanahorias, tomates, chili, zumo de limón y salsa de pescado.
Green papaya with green beans, carrots, tomatoes, chili, lemon juice and tradicional Thai fish sauce.
Tallarines / Noodles
16: Phad Thai
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con tallarines de arroz y huevo y salsa de tamarindo espolvoreado con brotes de soja y cacahuetes tostados y triturados.
With rice noodles and egg in tamarind sauce topped with soya sprouts and toasted crushed peanuts.
17: Phad Ba Hmee
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Tallarines de huevo con verduras varias en salsa dulce.
With egg noodles and mixed vegetables in sweet sauce.
18: Sen Ki-Mao 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con tallarines de arroz y verduras salteadas, chili, albahaca y whisky.
With rice noodles and stir fried vegetables, chilli, basil and whisky.
19: Ba Hmee Ki Mao 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con tallarines de huevo con verduras y verduras salteadas, chili, albahaca y whisky.
With egg noodles and stir fried vegetables, chilli, basil and whisky.
20: Ba Hmee Gaeng Dang 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con ntallarines de huevo salteados con pasta de curry rojo con verduras y albahaca.
With stir fried egg noodles in red or green curry paste, vegetables and basil.
21: Phad Med Mamong 🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras, pasta de chili y anacardos (servido con arroz blanco).
With vegetables, chili paste, and cashew nuts (served with rice).
22: Phad King
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras, jengibre y salsa de ostras (servido con arroz blanco).
With vegetables, ginger and oyster sauce (served with rice).
23: Ka Proa Gai Sap €14,00 🌶🌶
Pollo picado con chili, ajo, brotes de soja y albahaca (servido con arroz blanco).
Minced chicken with chilli, garlic, soya sprouts and basil (served with rice).
24: Ka Prao Mhoo Sap €14,00 🌶🌶
Cerdo picado con chili, ajo, brotes de soja y albahaca (servido con arroz blanco).
Minced pork with chili, garlic, soya sprouts and basil (served with rice).
25: Phad Kratiem Prikthai 🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras salteadas con pimienta negra y ajo (servido con arroz blanco).
With stir fried vegetables, black pepper and garlic (served with rice).
26: Phad Praew Wan
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras varias en salsa agridulce (servido con arroz blanco).
With mixed vegetables in sweet and sour sauce (served with rice).
27: Phad Pak Nammanhoy €12,00
Con verduras varias en salsa de ostras y ajo frito picado (servido con arroz blanco).
With mixed vegetables in oyster sauce and fried chopped garlic (served with rice).
28: Kao Phad
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con arroz frito, huevo y verduras con chili y salsa de pescado Thai.
With fried rice, egg and vegetables served with chili and Thai fish sauce.
29: Phad Phed 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras salteadas con pasta de curry roja, albahaca y hojas de lima (servido con arroz blanco).
With stir fried vegetables with red curry paste, basil and lime leaves (served with rice).
Curry / Curries
Todos los platos servidos con arroz blanco. All dishes served with rice.
32: Geang Ped 🌶🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00 Langostinos/Prawns €14,00 Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con curry rojo y verduras salteadas, leche de coco y albahaca.
With red curry and stir fried vegetables, coconut milk and basil.
33: Geang Kheawan 🌶🌶 🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con curry verde con verduras y leche de coco y albahaca.
With green curry and stir fried vegetables, coconut milk and basil.
34: Geang Paneang 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con curry Paneang en leche de coco, pimienta y hojas de lima.
With Paneang curry in coconut milk, pepper and lime leaves.
35: Gaeng Masaman 🌶🌶
Pollo/Chicken €13,00. Langostinos/Prawns €14,00. Ternera/Beef €15,00. Cerdo/Pork €13,00. Tofu €12,00
Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con patatas, zanahorias y cebolla en curry massaman con leche de coco espolvoreado con cebolla frita y cacahuetes tostados y triturados.
With potatoes, carrots and onion in massaman curry with coconut milk, topped with fried onions and toasted crusched peanuts.
Pato / Duck
Todos los platos servidos con arroz blanco. All dishes served with rice
36: Ped Phad Kraprao €17,50 🌶🌶🌶
Pato salteado rebozado y frito con verduras, ajo, chili y albahaca.
Stir-fried duck with vegetables, garlic, chilli and basil.
37: Ped Phad King €17,50
Pato salteado rebozado y frito con verduras, jengibre y salsa de ostras.
Stir-fried duck with vegetables, ginger and oyster sauce.
38: Geang Ped Yang €17,50 🌶🌶
Pato crujiente y frito con verduras con leche de coco, curry rojo y albahaca.
Crispy duck with vegetables in coconut milk, red curry and basil.
39: Ped Phad Prik Geang €17,50 🌶🌶
Pato salteado con pasta de curry, verduras y hojas de lima (servido con arroz blanco).
Stir-fried duck with chilli paste, vegetables and lime leaves (served with rice).
40: Ped Paneang €17,50 🌶🌶
Pato crujiente con verduras salteadasen leche de coco con curry panaeng.
Crispy duck with stir fried vegetables in coconut milk with panaeng curry.
41: Ped Tod Krob €17,50
Pato crujiente con verduras salteadas y salsa agridulce Thai o salsa de semillas de soja espolvoreado con semillas de sésamo.
Crispy duck with stir fried vegetables and Thai sweet and sour sauce or soya bean sauce topped with sesame seeds.
Vegetariano / Vegetarian
42: Phad King
Tofu €12,00. Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras varias con jengibre y ajo.
With mixed vegetables with ginger and garlic.
43: Phad Medmsmong 🌶
Tofu €12,00. Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con verduras varias con chili, ajo y anacardos.
With mixed vegetables with chilli, garlic and cashew nuts
44: Phad Thai
Tofu €12,00. Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con tallarines de arroz con salsa de tamarindo espolvoreado con brotes de soja y frutos secos tostados.
With rice noodles with tamarind sauce, topped with bean sprouts and toasted nuts.
45: Yam Wan Sen 🌶
Tofu €12,00. Verduras/Vegetables €12,00
Con noodles transparentes con zanahorias, apio, sofrito y cilantro en salsa de limón con chili.
With Vermicelli noodles with carrots, celery, spring onions and coriander in lemon chilli sauce.
Chang €4,30
Singha €3,30
Voll Damm €2,60
Estrella Galicia 33 cls. €2,60
Cerveza 0,0% €2,40
Daura sin gluten €2,60
Refrescos 50cls. (Coca Cola/Coca Cola zero/Fanta/Nestea/Aquarius) €2,50
Tónica €1,80
Agua mineral 1l €2,20
Agua mineral 50cls €1,50
Agua con gas 50cls €1,90
Zumos Thai (Mango/Lyche/Coco) €2,80
Vino de la Casa (Blanco Verdejo/Tinto Rioja Tempranillo)€16,50
Botella de Vino (Blanco Chardonnay) €22,00
Botella de Vino (Tinto Rioja Crianza) €19,00
Botella de Vino (Tinto Ribera del Duero) €19,00
Botella de Cava €19,50
IVA includo/VAT included
Carrer de Blanquerna 19
07003 Palma de Mallorca
Martes – Sábado 13:00-16:00,19:00-23:00
Tuesday – Saturday 13:00-16:00, 19:00-23:00
Domingo 13:00-16:00
Sunday 13:00-16:00
Lunes cerrado
Monday closed